Symphony in Design Architecture a Social Art


Symphony in Design Architecture a Social Art


733 円 (税抜き)

What makes a city? ? The society and its requirements. ? When one roams in a city, what remains in the memory of the city are its visuals, the structures seen with nature. ? The structures are requirements of the society, the Living areas, Commerical buildings, Government buildings, places of Worship, and of course, Institutes, Colleges, Schools. ?The places of Worship and Institutes, Colleges, Schools, Campuses remain for over a century or maybe centuries. ? The Architecture of these Institutes, Colleges and Schools make 'ARCHITECURE A SOCIAL ART, A FUNCTIONAL ART. ? This Archituture of visual sensuality through its various aspects of Vibrant Forms, Volumes, Skylines, Textures is unfolded here through some of the specialized Institutes and structures designed and implimented by me, forming some of the landmarks of the city. -Architect Vijaya Yadav画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » ART & ENTERTAINMENT
Campuses Vijaya visuals unfolded Skylines