A Trashy Medieval Romance


A Trashy Medieval Romance


800 円 (税抜き)

Lust and love are such fickle things. One day you are pursued by one, the next day, the other pounces. Teagan devoted her life to caring for war orphans in her kingdom, focusing solely on their welfare until circumstances compelled her to do otherwise. She quickly becomes the object of affection for two very different suitors, while her heart and convictions are put to the test. Theo, a battle-scarred baron's son, finds himself hopelessly enchanted by her grace. However, Lord Nin, a seductive nobleman, seeks only to satisfy his insatiable cravings. In this tale of conflicting desires, choices must be made, and the consequences of love's unpredictable dance may unravel life as they know it. *This book is not meant to be historically accurate. It is also not as trashy compared to my other books with the word 'trashy' in the title.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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otherwise battle compared pursued historically