A Trashy Pirate Romance: Book One A Trashy Pirate Romance


A Trashy Pirate Romance: Book One A Trashy Pirate Romance


650 円 (税抜き)

Some plans sail with the wind and waves, where greed and lust walk hand in hand. When Charlie's father dies, she's devastated. Then her worst nightmare begins. The king wants young, beautiful Charlie to marry the admiral's son, ensuring her safety and security for life. However, such a union would cut off her greedy Aunt Kathy financially forever. With too much to lose, Aunt Kathy concocts a harebrained scheme to seize Charlie's inheritance, paying devious pirates to abduct her vulnerable nieceーa perfect idea, at first. What Aunt Kathy doesn't account for is Charlie's strength, determination, and resilience to reclaim what is rightfully hers, exact her revenge, and escape the shackles of her forced marriage to Finn. With a couple of loyal and trustworthy friends by her side, Charlie rolls up her sleeves, preparing for the most ferocious fight of her young life. Can she flee Finn's manipulative clutches without injury? Can she confront Aunt Kathy and recoup what is rightfully hers before it's all spent? Find out in this thrilling pirate adventure, where romance and a strong, feisty female protagonist take you on a journey you'll never forget.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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confront devious forget female resilience