Forest in Flames


Forest in Flames


465 円 (税抜き)

Joseph Brant, a Mohawk war chief who supported the Red Coats, stared at the shoreline from the deck of a British sailing ship, wondering what his return to America from a two year stay in England, would bring. Joseph was eager to share his experiences and to encourage the tribes to support the British, as he was confident that the war bearing down on all of them, would be short-lived. He had seen the Red Coats training in England. marching in stark discipline and perfect order, armed with glorious weapons, perfectly tailored uniforms and seemingly endless resources, and thought it implausible that the Rebels could stand up to such a formidable force, for long. It was now his mission to share his beliefs with his people, and to solidify his aspirations for the Mohawks best future alongside the British. Forest in Flames, a historical fiction novel, follows Joseph as he returns to America seeking to reunite with his family and share with the tribes all that he learned in Britain. Join Joseph as he experiences the joys and sadness of finding a place for his people in their dramatically changing new world, and in the battle to create a nation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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tailored America marching Mohawk reunite