The Lost Treasure Hunters and Other Tales of Folk Terrors


The Lost Treasure Hunters and Other Tales of Folk Terrors


556 円 (税抜き)

When you go treasure hunting on the mountain, make sure you leave enough clues for the rescue team to find you. Skrovita Hrvatska 15 hours ago Hi, dear followers! 〓 Join us on the unforgettable adventure of finding the hidden treasure up on Velebit mountain. This is the first time we’re taking new people along on one of our travel vlogs that you already know so well. Your favorite creators, Marina and I, are joined by our bestie from the best Croatian podcast on ghost hunting, and another dear friend, a folklorist, who will help us find the gold, lost for centuries. And don’t be afraid, we have a professional guiding us up the mountain, because we know we should never underestimate nature and what it has in store for us. So saddle up, follow us on social media to see what secrets and lost tales we’ll uncover on the trip of our lifetime. If we’re lucky, we’ll get back rich. If not… you’ll have to come find us. Hugs and kisses, and see you on the other side. 〓 Skrovita Hrvatska 3 days ago Hi, dear followers! 〓We’ve recently uncovered some hidden gems of queer horror stories. While you wait for news about our upcoming trip, check out these tales of folk terrors with monstrous women, wolves, snakes, and ghosts. What Lies Tangled in the River Grass takes you to Rastoke (perhaps a new destination for us, in the future?) where two very different monsters from Slavic folklore are rumored to share the same hunting grounds… which cannot stand. To Stop the Screaming takes you to Croatian suburbs, where a young mother can’t catch a break and take a nap, her days and nights filled with screams. We were reluctant to include Notes and Reports on the Woman In White Incident for safety reasons, but it’s important to know what goes on in Rijeka City, what kinds of evils live in our midst, and the legacy they leave behind. Stay safe! P. S. If you like the stories, leave a rating and a review. If you like our content, like, share and subscribe. 〓画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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