The Millionaire in the Mirror How to Find Your Passion and Make a Fortune Doing ItーWithout Quitting Your Day Job


The Millionaire in the Mirror How to Find Your Passion and Make a Fortune Doing ItーWithout Quitting Your Day Job


1,936 円 (税抜き)

Learn the keys to Outstanding Success and reveal the millionaire in your mirror Despite never being, as he admits, the best communicator, the most talented manager, or the smartest guy in the room, Gene Bedell quickly worked his way up the corporate ladderーaccumulating career earnings that put him among the country's top one percent of earners while doing what he loved and always putting family first. By looking at his own career and the careers of others who have achieved Outstanding Successーpeople who all started with nothingーhe found it was possible for those who put their minds to it to become wealthy while spending their careers doing work they love. Now, in The Millionaire in the Mirror, Bedell reveals how you too can find career fulfillment while earning millionsーwithout social connections, an Ivy League education, an MBA, or the kind of earth-shattering managerial talent that makes the world take noticeーand how you can do it without destroying your personal life, resorting to hucksters' get-rich-quick schemes, or opting out of a traditional career path. Inside you'll find the seven success strategies that will revitalize your days at work, helpful tips for getting "unstuck" at any age or phase of your career, and answers to the crucial career questions that are asked far too infrequently. Approachable but authoritative, this is the book for everyday people who have extraordinary potential. If you have the desire and drive to achieve truly Outstanding Success, you can turn the person you see in the mirror into the millionaire you're destined to become.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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