Unspoken Unwavering Honesty... Poems And Short Stories


Unspoken Unwavering Honesty... Poems And Short Stories


567 円 (税抜き)

Now, here I am later in my life and a whole lot wiser but still vulnerable to heartaches and empathetic towards souls that feel life on a deeper level. I have met so many different people and recently, one in particular, was going through a very rough time in her life and while feeling her pain and trying to help her navigate this hardship, I was stirred by her deep feelings and situation so i was moved to start writing again. As I wrote, I'd send them to her in hopes that it would reinforce in her that what happened was not her fault and to give her strength to heal. She told me that everyone going through hard times should be able to read my writings because it helped her and would also help them. Each lesson I have endured and lessons others have learned has instilled in me a desire to grow and become a better person for myself. If what I have experienced and felt or what I write that I feel others are feeling helps anyone at all get through something then that's all I could HOPE for. HOPE is now embedded in my heart and soul.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
myself feelings reinforce >empathetic lesson