What Happens on Wilkins Way The Wilkins Family Trilogy, #1


What Happens on Wilkins Way The Wilkins Family Trilogy, #1


850 円 (税抜き)

From the outside looking in, Bryce and Anayis Wilkins were the perfect couple, with the perfect family, and the perfect life. Anayis is the spoiled stay at home mom who gets anything she asks for. Bryce is the dedicated doting husband who made it his purpose in life to always provide for and protect his family. All is well in the Wilkins home until Bryce is called away for a business trip and Anayis is left alone to get a break from her day-to-day duties. She was expecting to have a relaxing weekend with her best friend but that all changed when she caught wind that her first love, Vincent James, had moved back to Atlanta. His return stirs up a world of emotions for not only Anayis but for her husband ,Bryce, as well. When Bryce returns home to learn that his wife had a run in with her old flame, he confronts him, and Vincent finds out that the Wilkins are not who they appear to be.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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