Synthesizers and Subtractive Synthesis, Volume 2 Application and Practice


Synthesizers and Subtractive Synthesis, Volume 2 Application and Practice


20,920 円 (税抜き)

Subtractive sound synthesis is one of the most widely used techniques in electronic music and in many analog synthesizers since the early 1960s. It is based on a simple principle, but its operation is complex, involving many parameters. It can be enhanced by a variety of effects that give the sound its authenticity, and does not simply imitate musical instruments, but can also transcribe noises present in natural soundscapes or generate entirely synthetic sounds. Synthesizers and Subtractive Sound Synthesis 2 presents practical exercises, ranging from the fundamentals to advanced functionalities. Most of the sound effects applicable to subtractive synthesis are covered: vibrato, phaser, reverb, etc. The final chapters deal with polyphony and arpeggiator-sequences.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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musical soundscapes presents enhanced analog