What's Up Moon? How the Moon Affects Tides, Moon Phases, Solar and Lunar Eclipses | Grade 6-8 Earth Science


What's Up Moon? How the Moon Affects Tides, Moon Phases, Solar and Lunar Eclipses | Grade 6-8 Earth Science


567 円 (税抜き)

Explore the celestial wonders with 'What's Up Moon!' - a captivating guide for grades 6-8. This essential read for educators, homeschooling parents, and librarians delves into the moon's influence on tides, its phases, and the mesmerizing phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses. A perfect addition to the US STEM curriculum, it illuminates the moon's pivotal role in our planetary system. It encourages curiosity and understanding of Earth's closest neighbor. It is perfect for inspiring young minds to explore the universe.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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