Reflections An enthralling 1920s saga of family life in Cornwall


Reflections An enthralling 1920s saga of family life in Cornwall


270 円 (税抜き)

When an old lover reappears, it has far-reaching consequences for those in Portcowl Beth Tresalie has been happily reconciled with her estranged mother for over a year, and is looking forward to her best friend Kitty Copeland spending Christmas with them. But Beth is thrown into turmoil when Kitty reveals that her brother’s wife, Connie, has been having an affair and requests that her brother Stuart joins them. Beth and Stuart were once lovers and Beth lives in fear of Kitty discovering her secret. Determined to make things right, Beth helps Connie to win back Stuart. But Connie has her own agenda, and sets in motion a chain of events that will have change everything for both Beth and Stuart. An enthralling historical saga set in Cornwall perfect for fans of Margaret Dickinson and Katie Flynn.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thrown brother -reaching looking Margaret