Endure To Suffer with Patience


Endure To Suffer with Patience


1,614 円 (税抜き)

E-book. In the quiet expanse of the Midwest, amidst the rolling fields and the facade of tranquility, lies the haunting Part One of the story of Dakotah Sanders, a resilient soul shackled by the chains of a volatile and abusive upbringing. In this gripping narrative, delve into the turbulent journey of a young individual who, battered by the cruelty of his circumstances, sought solace in the deceptive embrace of drugs to numb the searing agony inflicted by a troubled past. From an early age, Dakotah was thrust into a world fraught with turmoil, where the echoes of harsh words and the sting of abuse reverberated through his every breath. Each day was a precarious tightrope walk, navigating the minefield of a volatile household desperately seeking an elusive semblance of safety and stability. As the weight of relentless torment bore down, Dakotah found refuge in the temporary oblivion offered by substances. The allure of drugs became a false sanctuary-a fleeting reprieve from the unrelenting pain that gnawed at his soul.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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desperately elusive oblivion resilient abusive