Converse with a Story A Guide to Weave Stories into Everyday Conversations That Captivate, Persuade and Elevate From Boardrooms to Bedrooms


Converse with a Story A Guide to Weave Stories into Everyday Conversations That Captivate, Persuade and Elevate From Boardrooms to Bedrooms


928 円 (税抜き)

Unlock the Power of Connection with "Converse with a Story" In a world buzzing with noise, how do you truly connect with others? The answer lies not in the intricacies of language or the volume of words, but in the timeless art of storytelling. "Converse with a Story" is your essential toolkit for mastering the transformative power of storytelling in conversation. Practical Strategies for a World That Demands Results Are you seeking to unlock and deepen your relationships, enhance your leadership skills, or simply connect with others on a deeper level? The book in your hands holds the key. "Converse with a Story" offers invaluable insights and practical techniques to master the art of captivating conversations. These strategies have worked for centuries and will continue to work for centuries to come Are you ready to embark on a journey of connection and transformation? Your story starts here. ROEL DSOUZA画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
language Demands skills invaluable Connection