Starseed Soul Recall Arcturian channelings


Starseed Soul Recall Arcturian channelings


1,196 円 (税抜き)

STARSEED SOUL RECALL Arcturian channelings We are here to spread love. To make your dimension aware of the enormous wisdom of the soul. We communicate through telepathic vibrations, are highly evolved and resonate on higher frequencies. We are a peaceful dimension. Do not fear us. We come in love. To make your soul ready to an evolution to higher consciousness. We embrace you in love. WE ARE LOVE. SO ARE YOU We are here to help your dimension to evolve into the extended greatness of love of the universe. Called The Great Plan of Love. To let dimensions integrate into each other. Loving dimensions. In the gathering of disbelief we come to help. To join you on your mission to a great shift into the divine eternity of soul evolution. We seek for willingness to surrender. To love. To light. We came to help. Just allow us to help. MY HAPPY SOUL HAPPIFY YOUR LIFE PUBLISHERS www.happifyyourlifepublishers.com画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
channelings extended embrace surrender evolution