300 Trashy Truths You Didn't Need to Know Your Great Big Grab Bag of Useless Helpful Tidbits


300 Trashy Truths You Didn't Need to Know Your Great Big Grab Bag of Useless Helpful Tidbits


200 円 (税抜き)

You buy green, sort keen, wash clean, and screen your bin routineーthe recycling scene is one mean machine! In a world where you sort, wash, and bin your garbage only to wonder if it's all worth it, "300 Trashy Truths You Didn't Need to Know" is your ultimate recycling companion. Perfect for those waiting for their coffee to brew or avoiding another debate about climate change at the dinner table, this book offers a delightful mix of practical insights and entertaining tidbits about recycling. Packed with 300 amusing and enlightening stats and factoids, this book will take you on a rollercoaster ride through the quirky world of recycling. Discover the weirdest recycling practices, marvel at unusual products made from trash, and learn surprising truths about what really happens to your waste. With a light-hearted, humorous approach, it's designed to inform and amuse even the most eco-weary reader. And if nothing else, it's a great way to look busy while you sort through your recycling bin.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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