Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States A Spotlight on Under-Recognized Histories


Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States A Spotlight on Under-Recognized Histories


7,076 円 (税抜き)

Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States brings together new scholarship and critical perspectives hitherto missing from dominant narratives to offer a racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse record of the history of American reading instruction. This book addresses the many important developments in the history of literacy in the United States that occurred outside of mainstream public education, in marginalized communities in and outside of traditional school contexts. Instead of a “top-down” approach of prominent thinkers and theorists, the book intends to cover key blind spots, including literacy education in Indigenous nations, and how marginalized groups have fought for access to education, by applying a critical lens to the under-recognized histories of literacy. This volume is essential reading for courses on History of Reading Education and Foundations of Literacy.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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together history Literacy narratives hitherto