Vedanta and Health


Vedanta and Health


871 円 (税抜き)

Swami Bodhananda in his book “Vedanta and Health”, presents the deeper experiences of wellbeing. Vedanta deals with the spiritual dimension of persons, while Yoga deals with the mental and Ayurveda with the physical. He says, mind and spirit are interdependent dimensions and the body is the vehicle of the mind and mind is the vehicle of the spirit. A healthy body manifests the powers of the mind and a balanced mind invokes the splendour of the spirit. Ayurveda is the first step, Yoga the next and Vedanta the last step in a person’s fulsome growth and flourishing. Swami Bodhananda emphasises that finally every individual has to take responsibility for one’s health and longevity by developing a holistic view of life and death, spirit and matter, and health and disease. This will lead to self-discipline, self-realization, and flourishing of the total person.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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