Cracking the Sacred Heart Code A Channeled Alchemical Formula and Practical Guidebook


Cracking the Sacred Heart Code A Channeled Alchemical Formula and Practical Guidebook


1,067 円 (税抜き)

The sacred heart is the key to ascension and manifestation, and the foundation of our soul essence and beingness. Unfortunately, life is filled with losses that can leave us feeling hopeless and searching for light. Despite receiving help from others around us, we are the only ones who can truly extract ourselves from the dark night of the soul. But how? Monica Bermudez, the founder of Sacred Heart Awakenings and a survivor of an emotionally painful divorce, shares a unique approach that guides others down an introspective path to crack open, heal, and awaken the heart, particularly after a painful experience. Through her proven alchemical formula, meditations, and practical techniques, others will learn how to navigate through the dark night of the soul, dissolve the ego within the heart, divorce the parts of themselves that no longer serve them, reconnect to the authentic self, purify the heart, and much more while digging deep to make transformational shifts in patterns that prompt positive change. Cracking the Sacred Heart Code shares an enlightening message and powerful guidance that encourages a transformative journey of self-discovery to attain a higher purpose, greater light, and higher love.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
particularly losses shares reconnect longer