The Apprentice


The Apprentice


500 円 (税抜き)

Adam meeting Eve? Sounds biblical but this is what happens along a dark lonely country road at night when Eve sees a young man ahead walking alone. She stops and offers him a lift. Seems she has just met Adam as he soon announces himself to be. She offers to take him home but if she did, he'd spend the night in the garden shed. Locked out for being outside his curfew time for returning home after a night out hoping to celebrate his eighteenth birthday. Once home they talk, she is a 45-year-old woman who had earlier been dumped by her lover. She soon realises they have more in common than they realise, but he is painfully shy, na?ve and inexperienced in the ways of love and romance. Deciding to become his teacher it doesn't take long before things turn sexual, and his seduction begins. A typically fruity tale from the pen of Sadie Stern, hot dirty sex described in detail, a hint of BDSM too. A nice bite out of the apple for those who like an age gap romance.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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