The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism


The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism


645 円 (税抜き)

In "The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism," Hereward Carrington offers a meticulous and compelling examination of the extraordinary events and occurrences that have captivated both believers and skeptics of spiritualism. As a prominent psychical researcher and author, Carrington delves deep into the physical manifestations often associated with spiritualistic practices, providing a balanced and critical perspective on these phenomena. Carrington's work stands out for its thoroughness and objectivity, aiming to explore and understand the physical aspects of spiritualism through scientific inquiry and detailed investigation. The book covers a wide array of phenomena, including materializations, levitations, telekinesis, and other supernatural events reported during s?ances and spiritualist gatherings. Key themes include: Historical Context: Carrington traces the origins and development of spiritualism, providing readers with a rich historical background that contextualizes the physical phenomena observed in various periods and cultural settings. Case Studies and Investigations: The book includes detailed case studies and accounts of Carrington’s own investigations into spiritualistic events. He presents firsthand observations and analyses of notable mediums and s?ances, offering insights into the methods and conditions under which these phenomena occur. Scientific Scrutiny: Carrington applies rigorous scientific principles to his examination of spiritualistic phenomena. He discusses the challenges and limitations of investigating supernatural events and presents findings that both support and challenge the authenticity of the phenomena. Debunking Fraud: A significant portion of the book is dedicated to exposing fraudulent practices and tricks used by some mediums to create the illusion of supernatural occurrences. Carrington’s expertise in uncovering deception provides a critical lens through which readers can evaluate the credibility of spiritualistic claims.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
delves >Historical studies including researcher