Atlantean's Quest 3: Redemption Atlantean's Quest, #3


Atlantean's Quest 3: Redemption Atlantean's Quest, #3


450 円 (税抜き)

REDEMPTION 2020 STRANDED ALIEN SERIES Coridan is a man without pride, a man without faith ー a man without a people. He has all but given up hope of reuniting with the other Atlanteans and is determined to die with dignity, if only the insistent voice in his head would let him. Ariel, Seer of the Atlanteans, is not about to let Coridan go without a fight. For she knows something he does not, he's her true-mate and she will not leave without him. A decision that may cost her, her life. Donald Rumsinger wants to enslave the Atlantean people and discover the secrets they hold. In order to obtain his goals, he must prevent them from leaving the planet. The only thing that stands between him and success is Ariel and Coridan. The unlikely pair of Atlanteans must forge a bond if they hope to survive, but when passions explode can redemption be found?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>Ariel Atlanteans obtain dignity prevent