The Rapture: Here Today and God Tomorrow Metaphysics: A Comprehensive Guide, #2


The Rapture: Here Today and God Tomorrow Metaphysics: A Comprehensive Guide, #2


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The Rapture, a Christian term, is allegory for a natural cyclic evolutionary process that happens deep in the mind. The 'learned' rising to a greater internal height for to ensure that man does not slip back into a primal existence. CHAPTER SUMMARIES: Introduction The Rapture, a Christian term describing a key biblical prophesy of the New Testament Bible, is a cyclic event that repeatedly happens when there is a falling away from religion, that is, a forgetting of the internal knowledge and reliance shifting to a physical world mindset where individual desire is paramount over over collective Mind. In this book we will learn how an outer false dichotomy presupposes the mind and physical world as a balancing of mental and emotional qualities. 1 ー New Testament Prophesy The first mention of what we call the Rapture in the New Testament Bible is in Matthew 24, purportedly a warning from Jesus of a great calamity about to fall upon the people just before the Rapture happens. This story was written by Gaius, a traveling companion of Paul, a "prophetic" warning to the people of Jerusalem regarding the impending fall of the Jewish Temple which was under siege by the Roman Emperor when the Matthew gospel was written. 3 ー Incident at the 'Med' In about 1977, reading and digesting the Seth Material, I began having dreams of my father who was still physically in body and would be for another decade, that he was taking me high up on a mountain and I interpreted this as he was giving me spiritual guidance. This confused me because my dad was a rather ordinary practical man who didn't believe anything that he couldn't see, rejecting spirit related things as hogwash (not to be believed), while I at that time was reading Seth's high-level information about the internal worlds. How could my father have already the inner understanding that I was struggling to learn? 4 ー Rapture in Secret, the Lord Gathering his Flock As we sit, now, in this moment the present, we can look about at what surrounds us. If there are people within our view we see them as brothers. Objects are the stage props. Together we are experiencing a live play with a actors, a developing storyline, and you the observer the audience. Move your hands, body or feet, and you are the protagonist, the main character in this drama, and you remain the entire audience, all others who you experience in this play are fellow actors. More chapters will be added as they are written画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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traveling cyclic regarding experiencing audience