Evangelical Idolatry How Pastors Like Me Have Failed the People of God


Evangelical Idolatry How Pastors Like Me Have Failed the People of God


3,871 円 (税抜き)

“I’m a pastor who is guilty of perpetuating the worship of idols.” Like many people today, Jeff Mikels is concerned by the evangelical church’s embrace of cultural and political idols. Unlike many people, however, Mikels is a former evangelical pastor who regrets his complicity in this trend. Evangelical Idolatry: How Pastors Like Me Have Failed the People of God is both a confession and a call to repentance. Reflecting on his twenty-year pastoral ministry with candor and humility, Mikels acknowledges the ways he enabled parishioners to develop destructive loyalties to cultural and political idols. As he works to reform his own worldview and embrace allegiance to Christ alone, he urges evangelical pastors and laypeople to join him in reforming their faith and living out the good news of the true gospel.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
>Evangelical worship perpetuating People Idolatry