The Apocalypse Supernatural Marksman The Apocalypse Supernatural Marksman, #5


The Apocalypse Supernatural Marksman The Apocalypse Supernatural Marksman, #5


450 円 (税抜き)

In a future world heavily contaminated by nuclear radiation, survival has become unprecedentedly difficult. The nuclear radiation has created a more distinct gap between humans than between humans and animals! Yet, it shaped himーSuper Agent Liu Feng is a lucky survivor who gradually grows stronger at the gathering point of wild wolves in the town of Wanuka in the wilderness. Equipped with a double-barreled shotgun and various magical abilities, he dominates this world! To defeat the mutant beasts, he desperately upgrades his abilities! --- Advancing through the refinement of demonic crystals does not result in a very stable realm. It requires actual combat to allow the external energy to fully integrate with the internal energy. If one sustains heavy injuries in battle, there is a possibility of the realm falling. These are the drawbacks of this method of advancement.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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desperately created Wanuka defeat requires