Breathwork A 3-Week Breathing Program to Gain Clarity, Calm, and Better Health


Breathwork A 3-Week Breathing Program to Gain Clarity, Calm, and Better Health


1,188 円 (税抜き)

Inhale, exhale, healーthe 3-week breathing plan Every breath you take has the power to healーbut learning how takes practice. In Breathwork, established yoga and breathwork teacher Valerie Moselle leads you through a practical program to create a personal routine of restorative breathing techniques. Begin each day with breathing exercises to boost energy and physical health. End each day meditating on clarity and calm. With effective practices that address everything from allergies to anxiety and more, this breathing plan is your guide to discovering the rejuvenating and varied benefits of breathwork. Breathwork: A 3-Week Breathing Program includes: Breathing basicsーBegin by learning the timeless fundamental practices of breathwork. A 3-week programーInvite intentional breathing into your life with simple, step-by-step exercises every morning and evening. Practical mind-body applicationsーFeel the positive impact of targeted breathing to treat anxiety, asthma, insomnia and more. Transform automatic breaths into intentional breathing for deep healing with Breathwork.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>Breathwork benefits >ーFeel asthma energy