I became the richest man in the underworld


I became the richest man in the underworld


2,042 円 (税抜き)

Lin Changshou could not bear to see the fragrance of the Lin family completely extinguished, and his children and grandchildren were all short-lived ghosts, so he made a fortune in the underworld with his efforts after his death! On this day, his ghostly life was coming to an end and he decided to let his grandson, who had at most one year left in his life, inherit his property and use the wealth he had built up in the underworld to change his fate against the heavens, and live a long life like his name suggests! As a result, Lin Baisi became rich overnight, inherited his grandfather's countless properties, became the richest man in the underworld, and was in charge of millions of evil ghost employees!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against fortune efforts inherited result