Vital Energy The marvelous Relationship Between Metabolism And Eternal Health


Vital Energy The marvelous Relationship Between Metabolism And Eternal Health


532 円 (税抜き)

Vital energy is a book that explains how we may use metabolic health tools and methods to improve our personal health as well as that of our children and families. Vital Energy is a life-changing book that combines simple science with practical solutions for metabolically healthy living and eternal health. This book is unique in that it connects the dots on a wide range of health topics, from the cellular level to the spiritual, and from soil biodiversity to healthcare incentives. Readers will be motivated and empowered by her hopeful message on the fundamental methods and instruments for success. People in all stages of life benefit from a metabolic framework to feel their best, and this book explains why and how to achieve it. Brilliantly Authored by Diamond B. Williams.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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biodiversity Diamond healthcare stages benefit