Baysprites: The Adventure of the Lost Colony


Baysprites: The Adventure of the Lost Colony


727 円 (税抜き)

Baysprites, small creatures akin to elves and leprechauns, stand just three inches tallーabout the size of a person’s thumb. Originating from Ireland, one clan of baysprites left their homeland during the Great Hunger. In 1846, around one hundred baysprites crossed the Atlantic, stowing away on a ship bound for Baltimore. They eventually established colonies along the northern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. This enchanting tale, narrated by a grandmother to her grandchildren, follows a baysprite colony in the 21st century as they search for a neighbouring colony that has missed their annual contact. The colony’s storyteller, accompanied by an escort, embarks on a perilous weeklong journey through human territory to locate the lost colony, encountering unexpected dangers and astonishing revelations along the way.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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neighbouring baysprite astonishing contact perilous