50 Studies Every Neonatologist Should Know


50 Studies Every Neonatologist Should Know


7,963 円 (税抜き)

50 Studies Every Neonatologist Should Know presents a selection of seminal trials in neonatology, including both cornerstones of practice and frontiers in trial design. The included trials cover a broad range of care topics in neonatology, as well as important learning points in a number of dimensions. The text explores each trial in a dedicated chapter, with a concise summary of methods and results, accompanied by a brief discussion of special considerations, including risks of bias, interpretation, and implications for practice. Additionally, there is a short interview with the trialist (or an editorial commentary) at the end of each chapter, to give a flavor of the ongoing conversation after trial publication. As with all books in the "50 Studies" series, each study was selected using an objective selection criterion that included citations per year, high levels of evidence, clinical studies and trials, and a 3-stage Delphi review by international experts in the field. It is a must-read for neonatologists, trainees, or anyone involved in neonatal care or trial design.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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studies including trialist selection flavor