Warmland, wetland, upland Pietas


Warmland, wetland, upland Pietas


3,000 円 (税抜き)

The encounter with Jasmin was to change Renato's life decisively. It marks the beginning of many small episodes in which the author describes events from different points of view. People from different cultures are confronted with sometimes unfamiliar conditions. Be it as lovers, as parents, as employers and employees or as friends. Language barriers must be overcome and different views must be tolerated. No culture is favored, no country is singled out. The author "anonymizes" the countries in his own way: warm country, wet country, mountain country, but also pass country, there is no more concretization. It is left to the reader's imagination whether or which countries or characters he prefers.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sometimes employees points imagination author