Stumbling in the Dark - The Dangers of Alcohol


Stumbling in the Dark - The Dangers of Alcohol


600 円 (税抜き)

Alcohol has been woven into human culture for thousands of years, often associated with celebration, relaxation, or comfort. However, Scripture reveals a darker side to alcohol's allure. The Bible consistently warns of the dangers that come with indulgence, offering timeless lessons that remain relevant today. In "Stumbling in the Dark - The Dangers of Alcohol", we look into the Bible's teachings on alcohol, exploring how it can distort judgment, erode self-control, and lead to choices that harm not only the individual but also those around them. The Bible's warnings to kings and leaders about the perils of drinking, along with the tragic stories of lives unraveling due to alcohol, offer a sobering view of how easily one can fall into darkness when intoxication takes hold. These warnings go beyond merely avoiding alcohol; they emphasize the deeper spiritual consequences of allowing anything to take control over us, steering us away from a life of clarity, purpose, and devotion to God. Alcohol, as Scripture shows, is not just a physical danger but a spiritual one, capable of clouding judgment, dulling spiritual awareness, and ultimately leading down a path of destruction. This book calls for vigilance, encouraging readers to examine their lives, recognize the subtle ways alcohol can take root, and make choices that align with biblical wisdom. By understanding the dangers of alcohol through Scripture, we can better navigate life's challenges, staying strong in faith and clear in purpose. "Stumbling in the Dark - The Dangers of Alcohol" is more than a warningーit's an invitation to step into the light, embrace sobriety both physically and spiritually, and experience the fullness of life that comes from walking in the wisdom of God's Word.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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