What is God...? God’s Power Means: G-Generation, O-Operation, D-Destruction


What is God...? God’s Power Means: G-Generation, O-Operation, D-Destruction


405 円 (税抜き)

God’s power explained: with Modified Law of conservation Dr. S. K. Chopkar's book,“What is God? God's Power Explained!”explores the concept of divine power through scientific principles, specifically the G-Generation, O-Operation, and D-Destruction, (G-O-D) principles observed by IRRA scientists from India. These principles follow law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. The book posits that this energy transformation cycle represents God's power. IRRA Group has developed a challenging research work “Innovative rainmaking technology by Laser system similar to natural lightning phenomena in the atmosphere“. This technology is Scientifically & practically proven in laboratory cloud chambers too, as well as in the atmosphere. This includes“Laser-induced condensation and formation of water drops in laboratory cloud chamber as well as in the atmosphere” IRRA Group aims to develop a novel Rainmaking Technology using a Laser system for a “Green Revolution in the whole world for all human beings”. In essence,“What is God? God's Power Explained!”is a call to understand divine principles through energy transformation to achieve global peace and personal fulfillment. Exploring God’s power: A new perspective on the Law of conservation. God’s power explained with law of conservation Please visit our YouTube Channel and search“Novel Technology for Artificial Rainmaking”. Click here: youtu.be/UYfuH9fAmUs More details can be found in Google Search: as “Artificial rainmaking by endothermic reactions” or S.K. Chopkar or on the website: www.irraindia.org画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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