Gas Hydrate in Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage Technological, Economic, and Environmental Aspects


Gas Hydrate in Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage Technological, Economic, and Environmental Aspects


8,945 円 (税抜き)

This book offers a deep insight into gas hydrate-based carbon capture, transportation, and storage technology as a solution to decarbonization. The key aspects of carbon capture & storage technologies are discussed together with their advantages and status of development and commercialization. The authors delve into intricacies of gas hydrate reactor design, provide a review on the Techno-Economic Aspects (TEA), expound critical safety considerations and elucidate upon the regulatory mandates shaping the landscape of decarbonization initiatives. Gas Hydrate in Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage: Technological, Economic, and Environmental Aspects is an essential resource for all academicians, researchers, flow assurance engineers, industry professionals and students working in this field.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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