The Between State The Between State, #1


The Between State The Between State, #1


600 円 (税抜き)

Jeff, a successful computer software professional thriving in 2017, with good friends and a rewarding romantic relationship, becomes an unwilling time-traveler who is periodically thrust back to 2015. His destination is the mind of a young woman with a troubled childhood. He experiences her life seeing and feeling through her eyes and senses. He struggles for a rational explanation of this experience and unwittingly discovers his role and responsibility as he accompanies her in a journey toward serenity and hope into the future. As an expert logician, he does battle with the limitations of pure logic to uncover the explanation for the why of his immersion in this new, supranatural world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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unwittingly computer battle logician discovers