From Rome to the World How Papal Authority Shaped Catholic Doctrine and Global Influence


From Rome to the World How Papal Authority Shaped Catholic Doctrine and Global Influence


1,038 円 (税抜き)

If you are fascinated by the history of the Catholic Church or intrigued by the enduring power of the papacy, From Rome to the World: How Papal Authority Shaped Catholic Doctrine and Global Influence is the book for you. Discover how papal authority, from its earliest origins to its present-day influence, has shaped not only the Church’s teachings but also the course of world history. From pivotal reforms and religious controversies to global diplomacy and modern challenges, this book unravels the complex role of the papacy in shaping Catholic doctrine and expanding its reach across continents. Written by Edward Dooley, a respected historian with decades of experience in religious studies, this work offers a deep and well-researched exploration of the papacy’s evolution. Dooley’s expertise shines through as he weaves together historical insights and theological analysis, providing readers with a clear, compelling narrative of the papacy’s lasting influence on the world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Catholic together history >Written -researched