A Short History of Relations Between Peoples How the World Began to Move Beyond Tribalism


A Short History of Relations Between Peoples How the World Began to Move Beyond Tribalism


3,376 円 (税抜き)

A Short History of Relations Between Peoples traces how the cultural attitudes that different peoples and nations had toward each other have undergone a profound and positive change during the last 500 years. For most ofrecorded history, neighboring countries,tribes, and peoples everywhere in the world regarded each other with apprehensionーwhen not outright fear and loathing.Tribal orracial attitudeswere virtuallyuniversal,noone groupbeing much better orworse inthisrespectthananyotherーandfor good reasongiventheconditionsoflifebefore the modern era. Butinthe last 500 years, relations between different peopleshave undergone a slow but profound change. Inthisbook, JohnEllisexplainshowaconfluenceofdiscoveries,inventions,explorations,as well as social and politicalchangesgavebirthto anewattitude,one expressedsuccinctlyinthe Latinphrase:gens unasumusーwe are all one people.This sentiment hasbynowbecomea modernorthodoxy,however inconsistentlyor even hypocritically it may sometimesbe espoused.Ellistellsthe story ofhowthe transitionhappened,setting outthe crucialstages inits progressas well asthe keyeventsthat moved itforward,and identifyingthe individualsand groupsthatbroughtaboutthe eventual dominance of this new outlook. This is a compellingstoryinits own right,butitis alsoa useful inoculationagainstthe destructive ideas oftoday’s race hustlers.Anaccurate grasp ofhow this crucial change happened contradicts everythingthattheywantustobelieve.Ideologiessuchas CriticalRaceTheory andDiversity, Equity,andInclusionhave everythingtouchingonraceandracismcompletelybackwards.The villains oftheir ignorantversion ofhistoryare reallythe heroes. In explaining howthe historical record makesnonsenseofCRT, Ellis’s bookamountstothe mostfundamentaland complete refutation ofthat pernicious ideology.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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pernicious history peoples howthe outlook