Modeling and Simulation of Intelligent Transportation Systems


Modeling and Simulation of Intelligent Transportation Systems


18,695 円 (税抜き)

As transport networks become more congested, there is a growing need to adopt policies that manage demand and make full use of existing assets. Advances in information technology are now such that intelligent transportation systems (ITS) offer real potential to meet this challenge by monitoring current conditions, predicting what might happen in the future, and providing the means to manage transport proactively and on an area-wide basis. Modeling and Simulation of Intelligent Transportation Systems provides engineers, professionals, and researchers an intuitive appreciation for ITS theory, related sensor technologies, and other practical applications, including traffic management, safety, design optimization, and sustainability. Provides the theory and practical applications of Intelligent Transport Theory which will be helpful as highway construction recedes as a sustainable long-term solution. Includes several case studies that illustrate the concepts presented throughout. 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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solution studies including concepts conditions