



483 円 (税抜き)

I'm sharing part of my heart with you, along with part of my inside world that not many have had the chance to explore. I am hoping that this book can help others discover their pain and let it burn. I hope you can take care of yourselves and know you are not alone and your emotions matter. You are not wrong for feeling the way you do. In life, we will experience multiple heartbreaks and broken bones, yet those will be the moments and experiences that will bring us to discover who we are. About the Author I have experienced many heartbreaks and many difficult times where it requires me to put all my strength together and fight all the demons that kept bringing me down. I have been working on my book for three years, but I kept holding back on it. It was scary to think that the world would be able to see a part of me that I have not opened up. After the death of my grandmother, I started to see life from a different view. It brought me to realize that we do not have tomorrow promised, and I should not be afraid of living the way I want and do the things that make me a better person. I decided to finish my book and share the emotions and actions with the world and hope I can help others heal.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
together matter requires actions moments