Kannibals, Killers,Kults and Kinkery: Kulinary Kreations


Kannibals, Killers,Kults and Kinkery: Kulinary Kreations


645 円 (税抜き)

What would make someone write a book with these adjectives and bring recipes in to align with it? I am a chef and baker at heart, we were watching a documentary on cannibalism and I made a comment that cannibals should have a cookbook. The idea was born and it grew from there. When cannibalism is mentioned most people shy away from talking about it because it is a dark subject but no one really talks about how the "meals" were prepared. So, we took the most famous cannibal stories and developed some recipes around where they were located, time of year etc. After that, when we were working on the killers, kults and kinkery we developed recipes that either sounded like the person or people, or where they were located. Ted Bundy's Orange Bundt Cake is a nod to him being in Florida and using part of his name. This book is meant to be fun, with a dark sense of humor. Yes, it is a little twisted and completely politically incorrect. We hope a lot of people are looking for that and are tired of having to watch everything they say.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
having politically mentioned talking little