Dematerialization Of The Environment Model.


Dematerialization Of The Environment Model.


1,550 円 (税抜き)

The EvmDNA Because it is about the size, the gigantism of this bypass process, which in this case is built on the moon using an infinite army of remote and AI-controlled from another level to attack a given it with tools from this external level that are process-wise superior to a given material static, model-closed level/deck of physics, biology..- not maintaining a primitive ecological..economic, scientific, social..mental balance but building one's own decks of space-niche. -DNA illusion materialization, models, patterns based on nature, God and it is about participation in the process Without co-responsible participation, relying only on sadistic, masochistic, ignorant, static models, images of nature, fate, and God in the so-called inevitability of hard, literally and figuratively existing models of physical, biological, and moral forms in particular, one has no physical or even moral right to justify one's inertia, ignorance, or arrogance. The consequences of such passive attitudes are dire, leading to a lack of physical or moral right to justify one's actions. It is not about the inevitability of existing models, but about our active participation in the process.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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EvmDNA active actions -controlled static