Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time - Brigid Schulte (Sarah Crichton Books) 9780374228446

古本, ノンフィクション, 英語で予約する, 洋書

 Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time - Brigid Schulte (Sarah Crichton Books)  9780374228446

Roundabout Books

3,385 円 (税抜き)

タイトル: Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time著者: Brigid Schulte出版社: Sarah Crichton Books出版日: 2014年03月11日古本非常に良い。端が少し摩耗しているが、汚れのないきれいな本。製本状態は良好。ダスト ジャケットが付属している場合は、それも含まれます。リサイクル可能なアメリカ製の封筒で発送します。すべての注文に 100% 返金保証付き。Can working parents in America--or anywhere--ever find true leisure time?According to the Leisure Studies Department at the University of Iowa, true leisure is "that place in which we realize our humanity." If that's true, argues Brigid Schulte, then we're doing dangerously little realizing of our humanity. In Overwhelmed, Schulte, a staff writer for The Washington Post, asks: Are our brains, our partners, our culture, and our bosses making it impossible for us to experience anything but "contaminated time"? Schulte first asked this question in a 2010 feature for The Washington Post Magazine "How did researchers compile this statistic that said we were rolling in leisure--over four hours a day? Did any of us feel that we actually had downtime? Was there anything useful in their research--anything we could do?" Overwhelmed is a map of the stresses that have ripped our leisure to shreds, and a look at how to put the pieces back together. Schulte speaks to neuroscientists, sociologists, and hundreds of working parents to tease out the factors contributing to our collective sense of being overwhelmed, seeking insights, answers, and inspiration. She investigates progressive offices trying to invent a new kind of workplace; she travels across Europe to get a sense of how other countries accommodate working parents; she finds younger couples who claim to have figured out an ideal division of chores, childcare, and meaningful paid work. Overwhelmed is the story of what she found out.


本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
progressive argues America making invent