古本, 英語で予約する, 洋書
タイトル: Time of Gifts: On Foot to Constantinople: From the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube著者: Patrick Leigh Fermor出版社: NYRB Classics出版日: 2005年10月03日古本非常に良い。端が少し摩耗しているが、汚れのないきれいな本。製本状態は良好。ダスト ジャケットが付属している場合は、それも含まれます。リサイクル可能なアメリカ製の封筒で発送します。すべての注文に 100% 返金保証付き。This beloved account about an intrepid young Englishman on the first leg of his walk from London to Constantinople is simply one of the best works of travel literature ever written. At the age of eighteen, Patrick Leigh Fermor set off from the heart of London on an epic journey--to walk to Constantinople. A Time of Gifts is the rich account of his adventures as far as Hungary, after which Between the Woods and the Water continues the story to the Iron Gates that divide the Carpathian and Balkan mountains. Acclaimed for its sweep and intelligence, Leigh Fermor's book explores a remarkable moment in time. Hitler has just come to power but war is still ahead, as he walks through a Europe soon to be forever changed--through the Lowlands to Mitteleuropa, to Teutonic and Slav heartlands, through the baroque remains of the Holy Roman Empire; up the Rhine, and down to the Danube. At once a memoir of coming-of-age, an account of a journey, and a dazzling exposition of the English language, A Time of Gifts is also a portrait of a continent already showing ominous signs of the holocaust to come.