Family Man - Elinor Lipman (Harper Paperbacks) 9780547336084

古本, フィクション, 文学, 英語で予約する, 洋書

 Family Man - Elinor Lipman (Harper Paperbacks)  9780547336084

Roundabout Books

20,488 円 (税抜き)

タイトル: Family Man著者: Elinor Lipman出版社: Harper Paperbacks出版日: 2010年05月04日古本ほぼ新品。傷みが少なく、しっかりと製本された、優れた、マークのないコピーです。リサイクル可能なアメリカ製の封筒で発送します。すべての注文に 100% 返金保証付き。A hysterical phone call from Henry Archer's ex-wife and a familiar face in a photograph upend his well-ordered life and bring him back into contact with the child he adored, a short-term stepdaughter from a misbegotten marriage long ago. Henry is a lawyer, an old-fashioned man, gay, successful, lonely. Thalia is now twenty-nine, an actress-hopeful, estranged from her newly widowed eccentric mother--Denise, Henry's ex. Hoping it will lead to better things for her career, Thalia agrees to pose as the girlfriend of a horror-movie luminary who is down on his romantic luck. When Thalia and her complicated social life move into the basement of Henry's Upper West Side townhouse, she finds a champion in her long-lost father, and he finds new life--and maybe even new love--in the commotion.


本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
-hopeful Lipman Harper marriage Thalia