古本, 英語で予約する, 洋書
タイトル: Ipsalu Formula: A Method for Tantra Bliss著者: Bodhi Avinasha出版社: Ipsalu Publishing出版日: 2002年12月10日古本良い。端の摩耗が中程度。製本状態良好。本文にマーキングがある場合があります。図書館から入手することもあります。リサイクル可能なアメリカ製の封筒で発送します。すべての注文に 100% 返金保証付き。The Ipsalu Formula; A Method for TantraBliss presents a practical approach for achieving bliss in the body. The magic of the Ipsalu Formula is in the synergy of the principles, practices, traditions, and scientifically based techniques it draws upon. From ancient wisdom to cutting edge research into consciousness breakthroughs, the Formula weaves a cohesive, repeatable approach to producing bliss, not as a lovely theory to hope for, but as a living experience to enjoy-now. This book is a companion to Bodhi Avinasha's Jewel in the Lotus; The Tantric Path to Higher Consciousness.