ビタミンK-2 100mcg MK-7 60粒 即時溶解タブレット スーペリアソース ビタミンVitamin K-2 100 mcg (MK-7), 60 Instant Dissolve Tablets

ビタミンK-2 100mcg MK-7 60粒 即時溶解タブレット スーペリアソース ビタミンVitamin K-2 100 mcg (MK-7), 60 Instant Dissolve Tablets


2,980 円 (税抜き)


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◆1注文につき、送付先は1か所のみにしか配送できません。送付先の複数設定は可能ですが、1か所にしか配送できませんので 複数にお送りしたい場合は、1注文ずつご注文してくださいますようお願い申し上げます。ご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ございませんが、何卒ご理解の程お願い申し上げます。Superior Source K-2(MK-7) 100 mcg GMO FREE - MicroLingual 60 INSTANT DISSOLVE TABLETSDIETARY SUPPLEMENT Vitamin K-2 100 mcg (MK-7)Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets go to work fast, under the tongue. Vitamin K supports normal blood clotting and the formation of prothrombin.* Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets may be small but they are full potency! Typical tablets and capsules need to be swallowed and are inefficiently absorbed in the digestive system. MicroLingual tablets dissolve immediately under the tongue heading straight into the body. Our proprietary hydrodrying process results in fewer inactive binders and fillers and a higher ratio of nutritional ingredients - hence the small size. They efficiently provide your body with the nutrients you need right now.* "Less is More" Simplicity, Purity, Efficiency* No pills to swallow Place on or under the tongue Dissolves on contact GMO and preservative free Chewing leads to smooth and better absorption Tablet color, taste and texture may vary slightly from batch to batch. Potency is not affected by these natural variances Manufactured for SuperiorSource by Continental Vitamin Company, Inc. (CVC)SuperiorSource is a Registered Trademark of CVC *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Warnings: If you are currently taking any anti-coagulant drugs (warfarin, coumadin, heparin, i.e.) or if you are pregnant/lactating, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. Directions: As a dietary supplement, dissolve one MicroLingual tablet under the tongue daily. This product may also be chewed/swallowed. Other  Ingredients: Lactose (Milk), Calcium phosphate and acacia gum. Allergen Statement: CONTAINS MILK. Serving Size : 1 MicroLingual Tablet serving for container :60 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Vitamin K (as menaquinone-7) 100 mcg 83.33% Stevia Leaf Extract 1 mg † 賞味期限: 商品ラベルまたは商品の底や側面をご参照ください。


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