PROSPEED プロスピード フルシステムエキゾースト RXシリーズ WR155R

PROSPEEDプロスピード フルエキゾーストマフラー  フルシステムエキゾースト RXシリーズ

PROSPEED プロスピード フルシステムエキゾースト RXシリーズ WR155R

ウェビック 楽天市場店

24,220 円 (税抜き)

■商品概要Material : Stainless Steel Pipe / Aluminum Silencer /Heat-resistant Plastic End Cap
■詳細説明RX Series is designed for adventure, grasstrack and city riding(DTracker) that need high torque output.For RX series, the pipe is made from stainless, whereas the muffleris made from full aluminum, so the finishing looks neater.The muffler shape is slightly longer to make the exhaust soundsmoother and deeper.The muffler has various colors.


※Silencer color has been changed to black.
■適合車種WR155R WR155R


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-resistant longer muffleris aluminum output