ACOUSTA-FIL アコースタフィー Boa エキゾーストマフラーパッキン

ACOUSTA-FILアコースタフィー グラスウール  Boa エキゾーストマフラーパッキン

ACOUSTA-FIL アコースタフィー Boa エキゾーストマフラーパッキン

ウェビック 楽天市場店

1,854 円 (税抜き)



ACOUSTA BOA50mm×7.5m650度ブラウン
■詳細説明TheAcousta-Fil Boa is designed differently to the traditionalsilencer wadding where you fill the desired amount, it expands tofill the space once subject to ambient heat. This latest ’Boa’version of the exhaust packing is supplied in a long length similarto a feather boa (hence the name) which makes it even moreversatile than the sheet type as it allows oval or intricatelyshaped silencers / cans to be filled more effectively.The boa onlyneeds to be loosely wrapped or packed into a silencer as it expandsto fill the voids when subjected to heat from the exhaust gasses,ensuring optimum sound absorption.


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expandsto loosely TheAcousta ,ensuring subjected