Poliniポリーニ フルエキゾーストマフラー Maxi-Scooter フルエキゾーストシステム - ブラックアルミニウム Yamaha
190.0074マフラーエンドキャップ材質:アルミニウムホモロゲーション:CE認証 (スイスでは未承認)エキゾーストパイプ材質:ステンレススチール■詳細説明Polini expands the range of Maxi scooters mufflers which arecharacterized by their modern design?Very well finished and really reliable thanks to theirextraordinary mechanic resistanceThe power increase grants to the engine a great performanceImprove concretely the power-output and pick-up featuresThe sound is gritty but padded and inside the limits of the lawthanks to the tested deadening material
■適合車種N-MAX 125 ABS N-MAX 125 ABS 年式: 17-21 備考: (SEC7)N-MAX 150 N-MAX 150 年式: 17 備考: (SG43)TRICITY 125 TRICITY 125 年式: 17 備考: (SEC2)