ARLEN NESS アレンネス エアクリーナー モンスターBEVLD用

ARLEN NESSアレンネス エアクリーナーエアクリーナーエレメント  エアクリーナー モンスターBEVLD用【AIR CLN MNSTR BEVLD】

ARLEN NESS アレンネス エアクリーナー モンスターBEVLD用

ウェビック 楽天市場店

93,721 円 (税抜き)

■他の商品はこちらですCOLOR:Black,Natural (FINISH:Re-Machined)はこちら
■詳細説明・Monster Sucker kit features our patented Big Sucker “hiddenbreather” technology and more filter surface area for maximumperformance・Hidden breathers are O-ringed at the heads and exit out the mouthof the throttle body to provide efficient enginebreathing,eliminating the need for any external hoses orhardware・Filter features a built-in inverted top to pull in air not onlyfrom all sides of the filter but also from the front,which resultsin more performance-gaining airflow・Each filter is constructed from synthetic material that iswater-resistant,which in most cases eliminates the need for a rainsock・Filters are re-usable and do not require oil,just rinse andre-use・Kits include Arlen Ness forged billet covers・Fit with fairing lowers
■適合車種Electra Glide Ultra Classic (EFI) - FLHTCU 2017 Electra Glide Ultra Classic (EFI) - FLHTCU 2017Electra Glide Ultra Limited - FLHTK 2017 Electra Glide Ultra Limited - FLHTK 2017Freewheeler-FLRT 2017 Freewheeler-FLRT 2017Road Glide Custom - FLTRX 2017 Road Glide Custom - FLTRX 2017Road Glide Special-FLTRXS 2017 Road Glide Special-FLTRXS 2017Road Glide Ultra - FLTRU 2017 Road Glide Ultra - FLTRU 2017Road King (EFI) - FLHR 2017 Road King (EFI) - FLHR 2017Street Glide (EFI) - FLHX 2017 Street Glide (EFI) - FLHX 2017Street Glide Special - FLHXS 2017 Street Glide Special - FLHXS 2017Tri Glide Ultra Classic - FLHTCUTG 2017 Tri Glide Ultra Classic - FLHTCUTG 2017Ultra Limited Low-FLHTKL 2017 Ultra Limited Low-FLHTKL 2017


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patented リプレイスメントタイプ iswater Monster airflow