Metalize Productions メタライズプロダクションズ Vintage Garage レザーライターケース

Metalize Productionsメタライズプロダクションズ 装飾品アクセサリー  Vintage Garage レザーライターケース

Metalize Productions メタライズプロダクションズ Vintage Garage レザーライターケース

ウェビック 楽天市場店

9,695 円 (税抜き)

■商品概要カラー:コーヒーカラーサイズ:80 × 40mm
■詳細説明Metalize Productions was founded in 2010 as a specializedaccessories brand, with a focus on classic American and retroculture.Through unique thinking and meticulous craftsmanship, coupled withstrong visual design and adept metalworking techniques, the brandhas created a distinctive style that has garnered attention fromall quarters over the years!
※Products such as electronic parts and transmission systems crucialto driving safety should be installed by professionals withspecialized technical skills.


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created skills design thinking distinctive